Different Kind of Pictures

A while back I got a temp job at Target.com call center for peak season. It kept me pretty busy, and wiped out from waiting for calls/dealing with guest’s issues/talking on the one all day/staring at a computer screen all day. And I was sick for most of the time I worked there. Thus, I didn’t much take my camera out and go have fun. Instead, between calls and on breaks, I took to drawing. Here are some of the pictures I drew.

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The Morning Glory

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I awaken to the glory of the morn’,
sunshine streaking, birds cheerfully cheeping,
another day is born.

The Morning Glory inaudibly climbs,
and shares its shy beauty, so rare.
And, we know that behind its mystery,
Our Creative God is there.

He blesses us with sunshine,
He blesses us with rain,
because it’s only through the showers,
that do we not, remain the same.

So, as this new day awakens,
and I’m cradled securely in Your arms,
May Your love forever keep me safe,
and sheltered from all storms.

~© Sandra Lewis Pringle~

Name of the Game

…is Telephone Pictionary. You’ve never played it? Well, everyone gets a stack of paper and it alternates between phrase, picture of phrase, phrase of picture, until the stack gets back to whoever wrote the first phrase in that stack.

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It was a hot day, rain in the morning and rain at night and I expected more people to come. All in all, it was a fun time listening to music and hanging out with friends.

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