OCC Processing Center

Ah, Operation Christmas Child! Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE THEM?!?

I eat, sleep, dream, shop OCC all year long and one of the most fun things to do is volunteer at the processing center in December after all the GO Boxes have been collected.

We get all those fun, great gifts ready to go to kids all over the world…and get ideas of more cool gifts to put in our boxes next year!

It’s great seeing all the boxes that will go out and impact the lives of others. Samaritan’s Purse has great videos with more information and ‘Morning Cups of Joy’ here and find them on Facebook. You can also read an amazing story of a shoebox coming full circle on Jon Acuff’s blog, Stuff Christians Like, here.

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I plan and shop all year long (with help!) for one night in November, just before Thanksgiving, when my whole church comes together to fill GO (Gospel Opportunity) boxes to send out through Samaritan’s Purse.

This year, with the help of many people (buying, filling, building boxes, setting up and cleaning after everything was done), we sent 200 GO boxes to Zambia!

One of my closest friends (and cousin!) was able to be in town with her family for this event, and her two-year-old was all about getting those boxes packed in the cartons to be sent to the Processing Center.

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